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Praying the Chaplet

Prayer Booklet |
Saint Michael Medal
ccording to tradition, a Carmelite nun received a
private revelation (time unknown) from Saint Michael the Archangel about praying the chaplet.
Although the Catholic Church approved the prayer in 1851, I have found theological, psychological,
and grammatical errors in the English text of the chaplet. How can this be?
Well, even if a prayer comes from divine inspiration,
the written text is not a matter of dictation but is only an inspiration which must be
expressed in one’s own imperfect words.
Consequently, the wording of all private revelations
can be subject to improvement.
Therefore, when I first started to pray the Chaplet
of Saint Michael the Archangel as it commonly appears today in English, I discovered many
things that could be improved, and, as I prayed for guidance, I was told to make this adapted
version of the chaplet.
Compared to the original English version, this adapted
version is not only theologically and psychologically improved but also it is more concise, so that
it can be prayed in less time, thus allowing it to be prayed more spontaneously and more frequently
than the original English version.
Are the Promises for the Original Chaplet
Valid for this Adapted Version?
The spiritual intent of this version is still the same
as the original English version. Nevertheless, the value of the chaplet is in the spiritual protection
that the prayer provides, not in whether you can receive some spiritual rewards points just for the
act of saying the chaplet. Consequently, if you say the prayer from the depths of your heart with
pains to become holy and with a heartfelt renunciation of evil, you will receive blessings for your
spiritual development.
In this adapted version of the chaplet, the following
three Prayers of Mercy and Glory are each said once after each of the petitions of the
1. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy
on me.
2. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
3. Glory to God in the Highest.
Using Chaplet Beads
This chaplet can be prayed wherever you may be, even
if you don’t have beads with you. If you want to use beads, say the opening prayers while holding
the medal. Recite the petitions on the single beads. Use the groups of three beads to say the
Prayers of Mercy and Glory after each of the petitions: use Prayer 1 on the first bead of
the group, Prayer 2 on the second bead of the group, and Prayer 3 on the third bead of the group.
After praying all the petitions, use the four beads on the tail of the chaplet to say Glory to
God in the Highest once each for Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, and your Guardian
Praying the Chaplet
the Sign of the Cross, and then say, O God, come to my assistance.
O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both
now and ever, unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Recite the petition, say the three prayers
of Mercy and Glory (each prayer once), and then recite the petition again.
1. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Seraphim, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
opening my heart to the fire of God’s perfect love.
2. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubim, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
purging from my heart the dark unconscious desire to commit
3. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
surrendering to sincere and courageous humility.
4. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominations, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
being aware of the meaning of my emotions and
beliefs and thereby governing them with wisdom.
5. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in closing all of
my unconscious openings to evil.
6. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
not being duped by the lies and snares of demonic oppression.
7. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
renouncing anger, trusting God, and willingly accepting the noble spirit of sincere
obedience to His will.
8. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of all Archangels, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
persevering in faith and in good works.
9. By the intercession of
Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of all the Angels, may I receive the grace of divine guidance in
being a venerable servant of God.
saying the last petition, then, in honor of the Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael,
and your Guardian Angel, say Glory to God in the Highest one time for each angel.
Michael the Archangel, Prince of the heavenly host, Guardian of souls, Vanquisher of rebel spirits,
Servant in the house of the Divine King, and our admirable Conductor to Heaven, defend me in the great
spiritual battle against evil; and may I, who turn to you with confidence, serve God faithfully under
your gracious protection.
V. Protect me and guide me,
Saint Michael.
R. That I may become worthy
of the promises of Christ.
holy Father, almighty and eternal God, by Your goodness and Your merciful desire for the salvation of
mankind, You have appointed Saint Michael the Archangel as the Prince of the Church; may he defend me
from my enemies now and also at the hour of my death, so that none of them at the time of my death may
harass me and that I may be conducted by Saint Michael into Your presence through our Lord Jesus
Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, through the ages of ages. Amen.
The Chaplet of
Saint Michael the Archangel
This 8 page booklet
contains introductory information from this webpage and my adapted version of
the traditional prayer.
Inside sample (other
pages not shown)

Appx. 4" x 6½"
(Closed) |
The Chaplet of Saint Michael
the Archangel
Pay securely with PayPal
Bronze Medal of
Saint Michael the Archangel
1.5" diameter and made of
solid bronze.

When I made my own chaplet beads, I could not find a medal for it that I liked.
Through prayer, I had been told that Saint Michael preferred not to be depicted with
a physical sword because demons cannot be fought with physical weapons. (A flaming
sword, however, as I depict on my
Deliverance From the Tyranny of Evil prayer
booklet is fine. But a flaming sword is awkward to depict in sculpture.) Thus the design
of this medal was given to me. So, I had these medals factory made of solid bronze,
first for my own use, and second, to sell to anyone else who has a devotion to Saint
Michael and who wants to have an exceptional Chaplet of Saint Michael. (If you cannot
make your own chaplet, just buy one that you like and replace its medal with this one.)


1.5" diameter
With each order for
this medal I will enclose a copy of The Chaplet of Saint Michael the