The COVID-19 vaccine
is being pushed on us, but is it really safe? What is your opinion of it?
o understand what is occurring now,
let’s remember what occurred in January 2003 when the space shuttle Columbia
disintegrated on re-entry from orbit. The cause of the disaster was damage to the
shuttle when it was launched, but the danger of that damage was dismissed by the
controllers, and the mission was allowed to continue—only to end in disaster.
An Intricate Interplay
Therefore, the theological lesson
to be learned from the disaster—and the tragic loss of the crew member’s lives—is
that the disaster itself should not be seen as a direct act of God. Instead, it
should be understood in the context of an intricate interplay of human
free will that points to one chillingly
simple issue: overconfidence in human reason.
in Human Reason
When insulation from the
fuel tank struck the shuttle’s left wing at liftoff, the mission could
have been called off on the spot. Had the shuttle been brought back immediately
to the ground, engineers might have discovered the true extent of the damage,
or they might have discovered some other preexisting structural problems.
Of course, the decision to cancel the mission would have had an enormous
cost, financially and politically. Therefore, it was decided, according to
pragmatism, honor, and human reason, that there was
no danger to the spacecraft. “Rest assured, we see no danger to the mission.” So
the mission continued—and lives were doomed.
So consider that decision. Rest
assured, we see no danger to the mission. Such is the assurance of reason. It’s
a lack of courage to be afraid of smug self-assurance. And yet disaster might have
been averted had the engineers stepped back from their humanistic confidence and asked,
“But what if we’re wrong?”
Yes, “But what if we’re wrong?” If only
we had such love for God as to allow ourselves to ask that question. So consider
some other common statements based in love for human reason rather than love for God.
We don’t see any harm in lifestyles defiant of chastity.
We don’t see any harm in divorce. We don’t see any harm in artificial birth control.
We don’t see any harm in abortion. We don’t see any harm in marijuana. We
don’t see any harm in social media. These are all assurances made by those
who dissent from the true Faith
of the Church. And fine assurances they are. Remember the Columbia.
The COVID-19
So, yes, remember the Columbia when
wondering about the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is being pushed upon us by
governments and by peer pressure. And we’re being told that the vaccine is “completely
safe.” But what if those voices of assurance are wrong? The vaccine for a mysterious
virus was rushed into development in an atmosphere of social hysteria. By strict medical
standards, the vaccine is experimental, and no one knows what long-term side-effects the
vaccine will have. What if there will be neurological disorders, liver disease, miscarriages,
birth defects, mental confusion, dementia, depression, and suicide? What if the government
agents—and the Doctor Falsie “experts” duped by the government—are wrong? And what if the
government agents really don’t care about deaths and birth defects caused by the vaccine—that
is, what if their secret goal (besides making money) is to depopulate the earth and to have
a steady supply of aborted human babies to grind up for scientific research?
The Truth No One Will Admit
If the vaccine really were as effective
as the government wants you to believe, and if it will really protect from infection anyone
who takes it, then why is everyone concerned about whether you receive the vaccine? If
they have taken the vaccine, and if they are safe, then what you do should
be irrelevant to them.
Furthermore, consider what has occurred. In
locations where vaccinations are close to 100%, infections increased. No one in the government
wants to admit it, but vaccinations are actually causing the spread of disease.
Yet, right now, almost everyone has jumped on the
bandwagon. Sadly, the long-term effects have yet to appear. In several years people who
are now submitting to the vaccine may start dropping like flies sprayed with bug killer.
So what can be concluded from this other than that
the pressure for you to submit to the vaccine has nothing to do with public health and is
really a conspiracy of political control by agents advocating a Luciferian one world
Fake News tell us that Luciferase is not used in
any COVID-19 vaccines. But what serious Catholic would trust Fake News?
Here’s the truth about Luciferase from the mouth
of a medical practitioner:
Sadly, considering this, one major question follows:
If Protestants are so aware of these things, then where is the leadership
of the Catholic Church?
Condoning Abortion
Another truth that no one in the deep State wants
to admit is that all vaccines are developed from cell lines derived from aborted human babies.
I was told of this personally by a Catholic Ph.D. biochemist who works in pharmaceutical
To “take the jab,” therefore, is to cooperate with
abortion, and no one, not even the Pope
himself, can give you permission to commit sin. We can deny Christ, but Christ will not deny
Am I Being Disobedient by Refusing
the Vax?
You do not owe any obedience to Satan and his
Coping With Bullying
If you choose not to take the vaccine, then prepare
yourself to be bullied by those who have been duped by government propaganda. Keep in
mind that when someone attacks you with hate, the ideal “response” to hate is to not respond.
Hate is by nature a sin and therefore unreasonable, and so attempting
to reason with hate is futile. Furthermore, trying to fight hate with more hate would only defile
you. Accordingly, keep quiet, leave the justice to God,
resist the deep Church, and maintain your composure and dignity.
In all of this, consider that when others accuse
you of being “selfish” or “uncharitable” they are reflecting the typical politically correct
atheistic belief that “charity” equates with “going along with the crowd”—but seen in the true
spiritual sense, “going along with the crowd” is a Satanic deception and the surest way to end
up in hell. As God Himself said, Neither shall you allege the example
of the many as an excuse for doing wrong (Exodus 23:2). It’s not selfish to work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling; on the contrary, it’s a Biblical requirement
(see Philippians 2:12b).
Coping with Vaccine
Side-effect Symptoms
If you, or others you know, have succumbed
to social pressure and have “taken the jab,” then it will be necessary to cope with
vaccine side effects. The COVID-19 vaccines function like a curse; that is, their
nefarious intent is to undermine the independence of individuals, weaken their faith,
compromise their health, and transform them into politically compliant robots.
The most severe physical symptoms of the vaccines
are blood clots; strokes; and sudden death resulting from cardiac arrest (heart attack).
Other physical symptoms commonly experienced are neuropathic pain or tingling,
muscle pains or weakness, lethargy, and chronic fatigue.
Emotional symptoms include sadness, anxiety,
general malaise, despair, and suicidal thoughts.
All of these symptoms must be encountered the
same way as with all suffering. Rather than wanting to “get rid”
of these symptoms, and then get frustrated when you fail, instead endeavor to endure
the symptoms with faith so as to turn your heart to deeper and deeper trust in God.
Deliverance Prayer
Still, in addition to a general attitude of
surrender to God, deliverance prayer
can be a constant recourse. Note that when we experience an emotional or physiological
wound, demonic spirits can attach themselves to the wound to obstruct
Therefore, when an illness has any connection to suspected diabolic plots, pray for deliverance
from any harmful spirit (i.e., demon) that may be attached to the illness. although deliverance
prayer may not “cure” physical symptoms, it can facilitate the spiritual grace that will help
you endure physical and emotional symptoms. Here is the formula:
In the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of [illness] and the hold it has over me.
And I ask our Lord Jesus to send it to the foot of the Cross.
This prayer must be repeated often; moreover,
besides the spirit of illness, you may seek deliverance from the spirits of anger, anguish,
anxiety, bodily pain, demoralization, depression, despair, discouragement, distress, doubt,
dread, fatigue, fear, frustration, hatred, illness, impatience, lethargy, loneliness, oppression,
panic, rumination, self-blame, self-hate, self-punishment, shame, social pressure, stress, strife,
suicide, vengeance, vexation, victimization, weariness, and so on, as circumstances apply to
A particularly powerful method of prayer for
dedicated, continuing protection is to combine the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of
God, have mercy on me) with deliverance prayers. To do this, take time to sit (or stand)
quietly and pray a decade of Jesus Prayers and then pray a variation of the deliverance prayer
most suited to your needs. Continue praying another decade of Jesus Prayers, and then pray another
variation of the deliverance prayer—and so on. You can do this easily with an Orthodox
knotted prayer rope
that has a bead between every ten knots; pray Jesus Prayers on the knots and a deliverance
prayer on the beads. alternatively, you can use Rosary beads, praying a Jesus Prayer on each of
the Hail Mary beads and one variation of the deliverance prayer on each of the
Our Father beads. One circuit around a hundred knot prayer rope or two circuits around
the Rosary beads will be optimal.
Therefore, the lesson here is a lesson
about warning. Agents of Satan are propagating lies intended to send the unwary to
their doom. But if you understand the mystic ramifications of God’s
love, and humbly
accept and surrender to that love despite the inconvenience,
and let that love be your guide in every moment of uncertainty, then you have
good reason to rest assured.
1. See Interview with an Exorcist,
A treasure of a resource for psychological and spiritual healing. Information
gathered from my websites is now available at your fingertips
in book form.
Disasters and Trauma by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D. explains how an
event is traumatic because it disrupts your previously secure sense of self.
Wild animals live with a constant, sharp awareness of perpetual
danger, yet most people live with a naive—and deceptive—sense of safety and
security to the point of denying their basic vulnerability and fragmented sense
of self. So when something disastrous happens, the psychological damage from the
shattering of your illusions about life and identity may be more problematic than
any physical damage.